Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Chibbi Rabbits

Another snow day--no school. Sounds like we need some Chibbi Rabbits. Notice how CoCo is ignoring her new friends--She's like that sometimes! These are from My Little Mochi
she has lots of cute things on her blog.

I've been getting asked how I find the time to do so many crafts. Here's the secret...I make time... because I think it's important to do something that I enjoy and that makes me feel good every day. I read and usually knit EVERY day. The kids can be a part of it also. They get excited when we have a new project to work on. Plus they love posting the pictures.!!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Those are REALLY cute.

I really hope I can take the cue from you as my life gets busier to continue to carve out a few minutes of each day for creating. It really is so important!