Thursday, December 11, 2008

Favorite Things

Decorating the house for Christmas is something I dread. All the many boxes stored all over the house need to be gotten out, creating even more clutter, everything needs dusted as you go--you know how it is...But once I start taking things out of the boxes, it's like I'm seeing them all again for the first time. I remember who made this, or when I received that. I want the kids to remember all these things as well-so I retell the stories over and over each year ( I get this from my grandma) The wreaths above were made by my Grandma Blackman. She is a great crocheter. When each of the grand kids graduate from High School, she makes an afghan. When you get married you receive a Christmas tree skirt. That's just the way it goes!
These angels were made by my Great Aunt Velma. My mom passed them on to me. She always hung them in the same doorway every year-so I do the same. I use the same thumbtack hole in the dining room ceiling every year! You can get a better view of these if you click on the picture. I've had to change the cotton balls a few times when they get discolored-other than that-it looks pretty good for being about 40 years old!
Madison made this gold-painted macaroni candle a few years back-I wish I had put the year on some of these things. I love macaroni crafts. Necklaces, picture frames, even cooked macaroni in a shoe box with your eyes closed can pass for maggots at Halloween! Macaroni-gotta love it!
Our Christmas Village!!! Chip & I went to a Christmas party about 12 years ago and they had a HUGE village all lit up on their hutch. It looked so pretty. We started ours that year and have added on a little each year until we ran out of room. We also put ours on our hutch and leave it set up until February. We leave the lights on all the time--it looks very wintery.
Madison made this Popsicle stick tree in preschool. I love how the sticks are all crooked-it wouldn't be as cute if they were perfectly straight.
This is Kyle's Rudolph from preschool-it's legs are clothespins and has fingerprint spots!
This salt dough hand print was hard to get- we were only able to get Madison's. Kyle was just a baby and every time I spread his fingers out and placed them on the dough, he scraped his fingers through the dough and made a fist. We tried over and over-he wanted nothing to do with it!
This stuffed Santa is my absolute favorite!!! It was my grandma's and every year when I was little(OK OK I still do it) I would run straight for the Santa and play with him. A few years back my grandma gave him to me. His fabric is starting to get pretty worn and thin- his plastic belt has since torn (I don't know what happened to the white one my grandma crocheted for him) . I set him on the fireplace hearth in a basket every year now and hope that one day my grandchildren will come running through the house to come and play with Santa. ( Madison and Kyle think he looks strange!)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I can totally see you playing with the Santa :)

I too get sentimental about all of the Xmas decorations, mostly for me it is just the ornaments and even David has stories to go with his ornaments your mom gave us. Good times!