On the way to my parents house sometimes we take "the Amish way". Take a few back roads and drive through an Amish community. There's several farms, a one room school-house and a General Store. Sometimes we'll see the horse and buggies tied up behind the store. The Olivesburg General store is full of surprises. It has a thrifty/vintage section, crafts, and then Amish supplies for canning and even clothing. Found this tablecloth that I planned on cutting up for dish-towels or an apron-but I love it so much I just can't do it. The tea cup is from China-been looking for one on ebay and
ETSY for awhile now. And Charleston Chews!!! Remember these? You can only find the bite sized ones now. Growing up, we lived a block away from Lawson's. We would get these and put them in the freezer. Yum!! Kyle and Madison are now fan's too!!
LOVE that table cloth!!!
Oh yes I remember Charleston Chews. it's been forever since I had one. I barely remember what they taste like. Love the teacup! I'm not sure where your from but if your not from around Lancaster, PA then make sure to visit sometime for some more great Amish finds. www.Pa-Dutch-Travel.com And if you are from this area still check out the website you might find something interesting or have something interesting to share with us.
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