Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Kyle's self portrait

I wish I would have marked age and date on every art project I saved from the kids over the years. This is one of Kyle's self-portraits, I think he was 3. Notice how he spelled his name...
y-k-l. I'm going to take both of these napkins that I made (previous one was Madison's rainbow drawing) and make a pillow for our bed.
Starting week #3 of marathon training. So far, so good. The kids are training too-they rode 7 miles with me on Saturday on their bikes. I'm hoping they can go 10-12 miles before the summer's over-that's my longest distance before school starts.
Madison helped me in the kitchen all morning yesterday--we made blueberry jam and gazpacho. First time for both recipes. The jam is yum with a capital "Y"!!!! The gazpacho is good...very healthy...tomatoes, cucumbers,celery, red pepper, red onion, cilantro, parsley, black olives, lemon...all pureed together for a nice cold soup. It probably would be picture pretty except the olives turned it into a brownish color-so I didn't snap any pics to post. The kids liked it--I let them dip chips in it--chips make anything taste good. But to me it's just like eating salsa-and salsa probably tastes better!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great drawing. I have always loved children's drawing. Great way to keep the memories. I am saving my niece's drawings and I want to make a quilt for her as a graduation present in 14 years.
-Rebecka Lincoln, NE