Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Crayon cookies

After making the Hot Rocks, we had a zillion unwrapped, broken crayons. So we made these. Of course we're not going to eat them!!! It was fun to watch them melt and get all swirly.
So a fun thing happened to me yesterday. I had my new bag hanging up at work last night and one of the physicians spotted it and new it was from the Bend the Rules Sewing because she has the book and has made several projects from it also!!! We chatted for a few minutes and discovered we were both craftsters and exchanged blog/flickr info. She is very talented and I loved her fabric choices so much that I put in my first order to Superbuzzy ( Japanese fabrics). I think it might be hard to shop at JoAnn's after this. Thanks!!!!


Amanda said...

Oh...Superbuzzy, it is a heavenly place isn't it? I'm glad you found it and I can't wait to see your fabric!

Anonymous said...

ha, glad to spread the Superbuzzy love! Back when SuperEggplant was part of the business, she would send a piece of candy with the order too! gotta love the details- Ooh, you gotta check out too. I never bought from there, a little pricey, but still fun to ogle