Friday, March 7, 2008


I started knitting this sweater 2-3 years ago and finally this winter I pulled it back out of the endless, craft-to-do-list and sewed the seams and neck. Well look what happened to the arms!! The sleeves are skinny and the arm holes are HUGE! I think it needs "blocked" but I've never done this before-guess I need to read up,huh? It's very disappointing when you spend YEARS on a project and it doesn't turn out. Maybe the big snowstorm this weekend will put me in the mood to finish.


Amanda said...

I'm still impressed (since I can still only knit squares!) It is looking like there should be plenty of snow to get the blocking accomplished. It's off to a good start so far!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see your snow pics w/ the blizzard and all!!--Chrissie G.

Anonymous said...

I'd say, just leave the sweater like it is and you'll have PLENTY of "breathing" room!!