Knitted this for my cousin's little girl, Jillian. Turned out cute enough-I'm just not sure how practical since you have to tie it behind the neck You know how those squirming babies can be!!
Also, my cousin thought it was a shawl!!
Not much crafting going on here this summer. Mostly swimming and reading and lots of new recipe attempts. I love to cook (and eat). I also love to just look through cookbooks. I look through the same ones over and over and each time find something new to try.
For the past year I've been participating in recipe swaps through
Swap Bot. Some are international and I've received cookie recipes from Scandinavia, soups from England, and lentils from India. Some are sent by e-mail and some are written out on recipe cards. Yesterday I received one from Texas for a "Healthy Dish" swap which was Zucchini Pie. If it's good I'll
post it--Veggie Power!!!